
[Cantonese Review Proton X70] 粤语试驾解说-宝腾大吉大利之X70博才博识越开越爽 |

Ask Chris, Kon, Beng, Fadhil or myself for any questions and we will now pick out questions every week from either our Facebook, Instagram or YouTube and attempt to answer you all. Guys if you…

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  1. Hi Bobby, if were to compare X70 4WD spec, CX5 2.2 turbo diesel 4WD spec and the Tiguan 1.4, which one would you choose (in term of handling, performance and safety features), if price is not a major concern? Thanks.

  2. Bobby , thanks for the video , just to inform you this video I have watch it for at least 8 times . On 16 mins what you have mentioned , yes the market is ready , and cfm i will do it , upon finish , Tiguan ?? I will fly pass him like a hulk !!! ha ha !!!!

  3. 随便和各位说下,2020版博越已经开卖快一年,相比2018版,由6AT变速箱改为吉利与沃尔沃联合生产7速双离合变速箱,吉利三大件全部实现自产,我现在开的就2020版,非常好开。

  4. 随便和你们谈谈中国汽车行业状况,中国是世界第一大汽车市场,但是因为多数市场被国企联合外企搞的合资品牌把持,几乎全世界知名的汽车品牌在中国都有合资,比如大众,日产,两田,奔驰宝马奥迪,这些国企不思上进,靠外国技术品牌混吃等死,还打压中国自己的民族品牌,中国真正的民族品牌吉利,奇瑞,长城,长安,比亚迪只能夹缝里求生活,靠努力上进才有今天的地位,中国国产汽车相比日德有差距,但是无论是发动机,变速箱,底盘,还是内饰,中国汽车真不同往日,能在竞争最激烈的市场发展壮大,中国汽车民族品牌真的很了不起。

  5. U r right Bobby, contemplating changing x5 into this next year, nothing special besides the badge, specs wise this car is way superior than bmw, at 1/3 the price, why pay more for less these days…

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