
Proton Saga 2019 第一手深度試駕! (附 Karak Highway + 雲頂山路 + Multi Storey 停車場測試) *English Subtitle*

規格表 Specifications :
2019 Saga (Premium AT)
1.3L VVT 四汽缸自然進氣 + 4AT 自動變速箱
引擎動力 : 94hp (5750rpm) , 120Nm (4000rpm)
車重 : 1080kg
輪胎尺寸 :…

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  1. 以前從台灣到 馬國廠商 台藉幹部 公司都會購入此車,為公司商務用車,台灣人將它取名 普通儍瓜 ,車子沒力 上雲頂去 引擎咆嘯 氣喘噓噓,但不愧是馬來西亞 國民之驕傲 自製品牌,印度人 馬來人大都開此車。

  2. Worth the money,I buy one premium spec for my spouse and so far so good after 2 months…Although I’m quite skeptic about the car as i owned a 2019 Mitsubishi Outlander 2.0 premium but this car dont dissapoint me..

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  4. You are a good mandarin car review guy, review were very specific to details and nice to watch and the recording quality is very nice. But one thing u can really improve, your driving skill?. It's fun to hear tyre sound it's dangerous on these roads? Cheers. K thx bye.

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